Images API

With images API you can generate the image and the image gallery for an item and also the upload forms for both of them.


Left: Default image with the "edit" button. Right: Image with "edit" button.

image gallery

Up: Default image gallery with no images and the "add images" button. Down: Default image gallery with images and the "add images" button. 

API example

Item image
jimport('oniscore.image'); //import images libraries

$imageHTML  = onisImage::imageHTML($petition, 'petition', CCOMPONENT);

Generate the HTML code:

onisImage::imageHTML($itemData, $item, $component);
  • $itemData - item data;
  • $item - unique item name;
  • $component - component name;

You can change HTML code here:


Item image gallery
jimport('oniscore.image'); //import images libraries

$galleryHTML  = onisImage::galleryHTML($petition, 'petition', CCOMPONENT);

Generate the HTML code:

onisImage::galleryHTML($itemData, $item, $component);
  • $itemData - item data;
  • $item - unique item name;
  • $component - component name;

You can change HTML code here:



image preferences

From the component preferences you can change a few options about the image and image gallery:

  • image folder - folder where item image will be uploaded;
  • max image size - maximum file size of the image an user can upload for the item, not bigger than the upload_max_filesize defined in your php.ini;
  • gallery images folder - folder where gallery images will be uploaded;
  • gallery image size - maximum file size of each image an user can upload in the gallery, not bigger than the upload_max_filesize defined in your php.ini;
  • gallery images limit - maximum number of images an user can upload, 0 for unlimited;

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