Permissions explained

onisPetitions uses the ACL from Joomla! for all the actions that can be done in the component. Below you will find the list with all the available actions and the description for each of them. The descriprion is for the action saved as "Allowed".

 Category - new  users can add new genres
 Category - do not moderate new genre  users can add genres without administrator moderation
 Category - unlimited  users can add unlimited genres
 Petition - new  users can add new petitions
 Petition - do not moderate new petition  users can add petitions without administrator moderation
 Petition - view  users can view petitions
 Petition - edit  users can edit petitions, if own petition or if user is administrator
 Petition - delete  users can delete petitions, if own petition or if user is administrator
 Petition - unlimited  users can add unlimited petitions
 Petition - category  users can select category for petitions
 Petition - add image  users can add petition image, if own petition or if user is administrator
 Petition - view image  users can view petitions image
 Petition - add to gallery  users can add images to petitions gallery
 Petition - remove from gallery  users can remove images from petitions gallery, if own petition or if user is administrator
 Petition - view gallery  users can view image gallery from petitions
 Petition - add comment  users can add comment on petitions
 Petition - rate comment  users can rate comment from petitions
 Petition - report comment  users can report comment from petitions
 Petition - view comment  users can view comment from petitions
 Petition - do not moderate new comment  users can add comment on petitions without administrator moderation
 Petition - favorite  users can favorite petitions
 Petition - privacy  users can set petitions privacy
 Petition - rating  users can rate petitions
 Petition - report  users can rate petitions
 Petition - share  users can share petitions
 Petition - view statistics  users can view petitions statistics
 Petition - view suggestions  users can view suggested petitions: related and same category
 Petition - terms and conditions  users needs to agree with terms and conditions when submitting petitions
 Signature - new  users can sign petitions
 Signature - view  users can view petitions signatures
 Signature - do not moderate new signature  users can sign petitions without administrator confirmation
 Signature - do not send confirmation email  users can sign petitions without the need to confirm the email

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