
Before installing onisPetitions, you can have a look at details about server's requirement.

To properly install onisPetitions into your Joomla! installation, follow these steps:

  1. Log-in to your profile then go to My downloads and download the component to your computer;
  2. Extract the files from the main archive;
  3. On the administrator are of your site, go to Extensions->Manage;
  4. On the Upload package file tab, click browse, select the archive from the folder with the component on your computer and click Upload & Install;
  5. After installation is done you have to enable the following modules (on all pages, position does not matter):
    • onisPetitions Ajax (site)
    • onisCore Ajax (site)
    • onisPetitions Ajax Administrator (administrator)
    • onisCore Ajax Administrator (administrator)
Note! Go to Extensions->Pluginsand make sure that System - Oniscore is enabled;

View more details on how to install an extension

Are you done with the installation process? Then see how to get started.

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